Easter safety tips:
• When engaging in outdoor activities such as Easter egg hunts, make sure the area is kept away from roads and potentially dangerous areas.
• Use sunscreen to protect your child from UV rays, especially during outdoor activities.
• Make sure children wear appropriate protective gear such as helmets and kneepads when they ride bikes or skateboards.
• Check children's eggs and chocolate collections to make sure they are not expired and well packaged.
• For children with specific food allergies, make sure they stay away from foods that may cause an allergic reaction.
• When decorating Easter eggs at home or outdoors, use our anti-collision corners and edge protection strips to reduce injuries caused by children accidentally bumping during activities.
Creative Easter activity suggestions:
• DIY Easter Eggs: Use natural food dyes to dye eggs with children, which is not only safe and harmless, but also stimulates children's creativity.
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